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  • jeremyjcworship

The JOURNEY of Worship

The Journey of Worship

If our Christian walk is a journey, our worship needs to be on that journey too. As we live through life, through our experiences and in our circumstances, our worship changes as it ebbs and flows with regards to where we are at.

Our Worship is a Response.

Our worship would always be in response to our relationship with God and our circumstances. How your worship is this week, would differ in your worship last week, based on your circumstances you’ve now experienced and are in, as well as any new revelation of God, or deepening of your relationship with Him. Songs of praise, declaration, faith, lamentations, are all responses in worship. I believe that our worship gives a good indication of our spiritual walk. How your worship is, reveals how your spiritual life is.

Our Worship is Personal.

As we grow in our relationship with God, as we learn and experience more of Him, our worship grows and in depth, and expands in scope. Worship, as a new believer, would be vastly different from the worship of someone who has been on the journey with Christ for years. It’s a natural progression and growth, and God meets all of us where we are at. Our worship is personal to us, to where we’re at, and what we are experiencing. It is wanton to claim that someone’s worship is better or lesser than another’s. My worship would differ to yours, and that’s how it’s meant to be, because my relationship and journey with God is different to yours. As long as we keep our worship authentic, that’s where we are meant to be.

Our Worship is always changing.

If our relationship with God is always transforming, so does our worship. No relationship really stays stagnant, it’s either deepening or it grows apart. If you had a best friend, with whom you hung out everyday, but now has to move to the other side of the country and you only get to see each other once a year, you may still be close friends, but your relationship will not be the same as it was before. So it is with worship, as it flows out of your relationship with God.

It’s really fascinating for me how our worship is ever changing as we are on our journey with God. There’s always more to sing, more ways to praise, avenues to discover, and promises to embrace. I hope this inspires you to take a step deeper into your worship journey, and more wondrous encounters with God.

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